Day 9:45 pm

  • Pixar trumps Dreamworks. Always.

    Up-Suck It DreamworksDreamworks Animation is just about to release “How to Train Your Dragon,” their latest animated film that won’t be anywhere near as good as the Disney/Pixar movies.

    Not that Dreamworks cares. The movie is presented in 3D, which is all but a guarantee for big box office these days.

    Attention America: 3D movies have been around forever. You are getting duped into paying premium prices for inferior products.

    I like some of the Dreamworks movies, notably “Kung Fu Panda” and the first two “Shrek” movies. But even those can’t even compete against the awesome, all-powerful winning streak of Pixar. Well, OK. “Panda” beats “A Bug’s Life.” But only because Pixar couldn’t figure out how many legs go on an ant. (more…)

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  • 'Twilight: New Moon' is terrible. Obviously.

    Twilight: New MoonContributing writer Josh Miller takes on the insanity known as “Twilight.” The franchise’s second installment, “New Moon,” is available on Blu-Ray and DVD March 20. Please don’t buy it.

    The sequel to 2008’s “Twilight” needs no introduction. The film has broken box office records and the next film in the series is due in just a matter of months. Like it or not, the Twilight Saga is a cultural phenomenon in both film and book form. After seeing the first film, I was unable to grasp the appeal of this series and now, having seen “New Moon,” I am still dumbfounded. In my review “Twilight,” I said everything here is underwritten, characters and plot included” and “no one with a knowledge or appreciation of American cinema would call Twilight a good movie.” “New Moon” does flesh out the main characters a bit more but I stand by the latter statement. “New Moon” is certainly not a good film by any means. (more…)

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