Day 9:50 pm

  • Shrek, Technicolor 3D lens surprisingly not bad

    image Personal bias: I’m not a huge fan of this 3D movie fad. Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer three-dimensional characters over some dragon swinging in front of my face, breathing fire into my personal bubble. My wife is the only person allowed to get within three inches of my face, and even then, her breath better be minty.

    I’ve seen a 3D movie here and there, and I can certainly see the appeal, especially for kids. The extra dimension provides a completely different visual experience, and teamed with the right material (think the otherwise forgettable “Polar Express”) it can be an entertaining way to spend 90 minutes. Anything longer than that (I’m looking at you, “Avatar”), and my eyes need a 48-hour spa retreat.


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